Fire Shifts

I wrote a simple Android app to show the A,B,C schedule shifts for Glendale Fire Department, then added Rancho Santa Fe (Kelly Calendar) and Los Angeles City.

Google Market

v. 1.0.3 Updated to show now through December 2011
Los Angeles City is ad supported

Los Angeles City also works for:

  • Sheridan fire Dept. in Indiana
  • Knoxville, TN
  • Rural/Metro Knox County, TN

24/48 A. works for:

  • Jacksonville
  • South Charleston, WV FIRE and Charleston, WV FIRE

v. 1.0.5 fixes daylight savings bug.
v. 1.0.6 changed to work forever, including accounting for leap years.  Should continue working well through the year 2999.
v. – updated the font size
v. 1.1.0 – syncs to Google Calendar – buggy
v. 1.2.0 – syncs to Google Calendar – quick
v.1.3.1 – Pro and Free versions released – with options!

118 Responses to Fire Shifts

  1. keith says:

    This app fits Overland Park Kansas schedule. Only difference is the day color

  2. Dave Tessier says:

    Looking for a shift calendar that would work for our department. I’ve attached the above link which shows our 2011 calendar in pdf. Is this something that you could work with?

  3. Eric says:

    I am from Overland Park, KS fire and I can’t seem to locate the fire shift calendar on the market. I tried using by barcode scanner from the apps online website but apparently it wont work on my android phone. Any suggestions. Other members of my fire department with android phones have already downloaded the app and appears to be fine, however my app market doesn’t even recognize it! Help!!

    • Kevin Jordan says:

      Turns out, I had it set for minimum Android version 1.6. I changed the requirement on your version to be 1.5. Future versions will need at least 1.6 to do calendar syncing.

  4. Joe Hester says:

    Can you make a “United Phoenix Fire Fighter L-493” and add a link to our website?
    Thanks, Joe

  5. Jenny says:

    I can’t find anything that corresponds with my husband’s 48/96 schedule. He works for the Modesto Fire Department. Is there an android app for that shift schedule?

  6. Michael says:

    Ok, we just switched to a 48/72 this year consisting of 7 groups. Will any of these work for us?

  7. Kerry Evans says:

    I work for te Lehi, Utah Fire Department. We have 48/96 shift that started on Sat. Jan 1, 2011 with “A” shift for two days then B and C etc. I couldn’t find a shift on the market. Can you help me out? We use the Motorola Verizon Droid X version 2.3.340 Thanks

  8. brian says:

    Can you make an option on the calendar to be able to select your shift and group and let it hi light all the off days and Kelly days? It would be easier to read if there were fewer colors and let if focus more on the individual users schedule. Or have an option to select between highlighting the on days instead for user selection. Just an idea, Thanks.

  9. Ryan says:

    Could you do a custom calendar for our work schedule? We share the same schedule as Shreveport Fire Dept.

    1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 6 off

    R. Qualls
    Westlake Fire Department

  10. don adair says:

    I am looking for a shift calendar to keep up with my firefighter/paramedic daughter who works for Henrico county Va. Her schedule is a 21 day based as follows:
    1on, 1off, 1on, 1off, 1on, 1off, 1on, 3off, 1on, 1off, 1on, 2off, 1on, 5off. Her starting date this year was 1/04/11. I have an android phone and would love to be able to keep the schedule on it. Thanks in advance for your help and God bless you.


    • Ricky Grizzard says:

      Did you ever get this schedule posted for use? I work this same schedule and couldn’t find it on any site that I have searched so far.

      • monica says:

        Hi Ricky,

        Shift Type #50 lines up for this one. If you are also in Richmond, VA your offset should be “None.” If you are in a different city, email me your July schedule at, and I can help you find the correct offset.

  11. Scott Fitzpatrick says:

    I was looking to see if you created an app for the schedule

    1on,1off, 1on,1off, 1on,1off 1on,1off 1on,1off 6days off

    • Scott Fitzpatrick says:

      The A shift last day is today, then Feb 24 is B shift, Feb 25 C and the A shift comes back to work March 2.

      This is the schedule for Omaha NE fire


  12. Samantha says:

    I really need one for 24/72

  13. jake king says:

    How will I know when my request is done? How do I get it once it is done? Thanks

    • monica says:

      We just uploaded a Free version which is customizable directly on the app, but does not sync with Google calendar. You can download it here:

      Fire Shifts – Free

      We’re currently working on a Pro Version that will sync, and we will let you know as soon as it’s ready

  14. John Wells says:

    Is there a way for it to keep up with 2 different shifts? I work a full time 4 on/4 off and a part-time job that has an AABBAAABBAABBB shift scheme. Could the one job be displayed by color the way I already have it and let the other job be displayed by the letters? That way I would know who I’m working with at the second job… Almost no one in public safety only works one job…

  15. Robert says:

    How about a Fire Shift for Ventura County? I have the FireShift Pro. I made a few mods to make it “fit” our work schedule. I’m still trying to figure out how to add our paydays to the schedule. Thanks for any help!

  16. Joe says:

    Any chance you can get Toronto/Mississauga’s shift schedule up there?
    Here’s the link to Toronto’s shift calendar


  17. tc says:

    not very phone savy…. what and how do i place the la city fire schedule (which one is it) on my cell

  18. Angie Parkes says:

    Hi, I just discovered your great app. However, the FD I work (Calgary FD) for has 4 shifts that split day and night shifts. Current calendar is:

    A (day 1) / D (night 1)
    A (day 2) / D (night 2)
    B (day 3) / A (night 3)
    B (day 4) / A (night 4)
    C (day 5) / B (night 5)
    C (day 6) / B (night 6)
    D (day 7) / C (night 7)
    D (day 8) / C (night 8).

    The cycle then repeats with A on days and D on nights, as in Day 1.

    Can your app accommodate this?

    • Kevin Jordan says:

      Right now, the best option would be to use the AABBCCDD schedule #20.

      Offset your schedule until your AA lines up with your Days, and B’s with your nights, then change the labels from A to Day and B to Night.

      Set C and D as Blank/Black or grey and it should work for you. It will only show your schedule, and not any of the others. So if you are on C shift, just shift your offset over until you AA lines up with your Days. Everything should line up from then on.

  19. shaun studna says:

    Kevin, i work for Kansas City, MO. fire, could we get a app for our city

    We work 24/48 abc would be great blk red greeen

    Also is there a way to put any way to put a n1-9 starting Sept.1 as n1 sept 4as n2 etc….

    cycle up to 9 and repeat so we could keep track of n days

    dont know if system supports that

    THX and be safe

  20. chris says:

    How about a rotating 3 week schedule: Tues/Thursday, mon/wed/fri, Sunday/following sat…wed is FF A kelley day, thurs is FF B kelley, and fri is lieut kelley….I can self u a copy of it if it would make it easier. Let me know thanks!

  21. Mike says:

    Hi, I was wonder if you could add Virginia Beach Fire Department’s schedule? Thanks


  22. Troy says:

    Could you make a shift calendar for Jackson, TN? Our shift is 1 on 1 off 1 on 1 off 1 on 4 off with A shift starting Sept. 5, B shift starting Sept. 8, C Shift starting back Sept. 11. So it would look like starting Sept. 5 ACABABCBCACABAB

  23. Chelsea says:

    Which schedule would coordinate with LA County?

  24. Jim says:

    Can you do a shift calender for FDNY EMS? We work 5 on 2 off 5 on 3 off 8 hr shifts.

    Here is a link to the 2012 platoon chart

  25. Gareth says:

    Work for the Metro Fire Brigade, Melbourne Australia. Looking for a 4 on 4 off schedule with the 4 on being two days and then 2 nights. Any ideas?

  26. Todd Dunfield says:

    Nice app easy to work with thank you

  27. Paul says:

    Im a parmedic in Australia and work the same rotations as the firefighters
    This is 2 (10) hour days 2 (14) hour nights and 4 days off
    This is a 8 day cycle so if you start on a monday one week the next
    Week it will be Tuesday then a Wednesday etc.
    All ambos and fireies in Australia work this rotation
    BIG market for your app

  28. Matthew says:

    What app do I use I work 1 on 1 off 1 on 5 off. Thank you Andover ma fire

  29. victor says:

    We work a 48/96 AA.CC.BB. I need off set for this one. A shift starts Jan 2 green. C shift starts Jan 4 Blue. B shift starts Jan 6 Red. Thanks

  30. Kere Nichol says:

    Hi. Im from New Zealand and im after a split shift, 2 days 2 nights 4off. 4 shift rotation

  31. marc segal says:

    I can not set the offset for your app to L. A.; City Fire’s schedule – can you send me the settings?

  32. Chris poston says:

    Having trouble setting a repeating schedule for kelly days in my google calender. My department works 24/48 and kelly every 19 shifts, or every 57 days. Any suggestions on how I can set that to repeat in my google calender so I can sync it to the app?

  33. Donald S says:

    Would like to see calendar go out at least 18 months, 24 months would be better. Cannot use the calendar when it comes to vacation selection time in November (for following year) because calendar stops in October. Fire Shifts Pro User.

    • Kevin Jordan says:

      Hi Donald,

      Fire Shifts Pro should currently show through February 2013. If yours is only showing through October, something is wrong. As for a full 18 or 24 months, its in its planning stage to allow this.


  34. joe says:

    I work 12 hr shifts 6a to 6p Mon thru Thursday off Friday thru Sun. B shift works Tuesday thru Friday 6a-6p off Sat thru Monday non rotating. Any suggestions.

    Thanks, Joe

  35. Chris says:

    Great app. Would like to see a full-size widget available. I also would like to be able to sync back to Google. So I can see my fire schedule in the Google calendar. It is cumbersome to add all work days into Google, then use Code provided for Vacation/kelly, ect. which is nice, but would like if didn’t have to input work days into google, that it would just sync and be done.

  36. Mike I says:

    I work a Panama type schedule – would it be possible to have a shift made to fit? We do a 4 week rotating (2 weeks on days, 2 weeks on nights) schedule, 1 is on, 0 is off:

    Week 1: 1100111 (Days)
    Week 2: 0011000 (Days)
    Week 3: 1100111 (Nights)
    Week 4: 0011000 (Nights)

  37. chuck duggan says:

    Can’t really get this to sync with mine. Today is May 3 and I work 24/48. Need to start it on the 5th of May. How do I do this?

    • monica says:

      Hi Chuck,

      Use the Offset feature in the Preferences menu to shift the calendar forward until it lines up for you.

  38. Stephen Taylor says:

    I downloaded the shift calender but how do I change it fro 24/48 to 24/72.

  39. John says:

    my shift calendar fire shift pro will not work on my htc evo lte. It worked fine on my old evo is there a fix for it?

  40. Keith says:

    Looking for a schedule 5 on, 2 off, 4 on, 2 off 8hr shifts

  41. Donald says:

    How’s the update going on pushing the calendar out 18-24 months? This feature is really needed.

  42. Jason says:

    Can you add the DuPont schedule with a 7 day long change every month.

  43. Brent says:

    Is this available for kindle fire hd 8.9 inch?

  44. Kay says:

    Is there a 4 on, 4 off, 4 on, 3 off schedule?

  45. Bernie says:

    Could you make one for STLFD BEMS

    A/C day night 2 on 2 off 2 on 3 off 2 on 2 off 3 on
    B/D day night
    S M T W Th F Sat S M T W Th F Sat
    A/C, B/D , B/D, A/C, A/C, B/D, B/D, B/D, A/C, A/C, B/D, B/D, A/C, A/C: then repeat.

    Thank you

  46. kerri says:

    I work a 2 week rotation.. 16 hr workday.. Monday, weds, fri week 1, then tue and thurs next week. How can I show this rotation?.. and .. show my husbands 24/48 shifts?… help!

  47. shawn davis says:

    Great app but our company Regional Ems is switching schedules. Do you have an AABABBBBABABAA schedule available. I can’t find one. Thanks, Shawn Davis

  48. Karl Smith says:

    Can not get it to sync to my google calender

  49. brian says:

    I work at a printers in the uk and iv used your app for ages to show my 4 on / 4off shift pattern
    but for some reason my phone crashed and after down loading your app again it wont stay set if i close it ???
    when i open it up again its as if iv just down loded it
    any ideas why ??

    • brian says:

      P.S my mate works a 3 week shift pattern of
      earlys (5 on 2 off ) lates (5 on 2off) and nights (5 on 2off )
      Do u have a setting for this type of shift pattern

  50. brian says:

    P.S my mate works a 3 week shift pattern of
    earlys (5 on 2 off ) lates (5 on 2off) and nights (5 on 2off )
    Do u have a setting for this type of shift pattern

  51. Kyle says:

    I was wondering if you have a schedule for 3 days on 2 off 3 on 6 off? If not, is there a way to build a calender?

  52. Grace says:

    My husband and I are both in the fire service (I dispatch and he is a ff/paramedic).
    His shifts are 24/48 rotation and mine are 24/72. We have been looking for a calendar that would allow us to overlap our schedules – that is show both rotations on one screen together so that we can plan better for our time off and that time when we will both be at work for 24 hours. He selects vacation in September each year and plans around our family schedule a year in advance (gets pretty interesting) Also, is there a feature to this program (I haven’t read all your material yet) that allows us to put in vacation and Kelly days? Ideally, we would be able to print a full year at a time, but I realize this probably isn’t the app for that function. Currently we use a simple Google calendar and put in both schedules as appointments.

  53. Thomas says:

    We work a 3 shift, 2 split system- Black Red Gold, with an A and B split. Assigned shift is on every 6th day. Which one would work best, or how can I set up. Thanks in advance.

  54. Bob Johnson says:

    I use pattern 47 as these are the shifts I do. “C” is off days but there is no letter to select for this so I leave it blank. “D” has off but there is no AA BB DDDD option.Great app though, cheers!

  55. weston eoff says:

    i have found the shift schedule that works for me (#26 ems mecklenburg) however i would like to be able to set it up with days and nights rotation. i work 12 hr shifts from 2000-0800 or 0800-2000 on a 2 month rotaion. if you could help me out that would be great. if all possible it would be nice if i could just change the colors myself

    weston eoff

  56. Josh r says:

    I’m trying to set this app up for my rotation and having difficulty. I’ve used it before….

    1 on 1 off 1 on 1 off 1 on 4 off
    24hr shifts of course.


    • Kevin Jordan says:

      Give shift type 5 or 6 a try. 10,10,10000. It should match up with your type of schedule. Then just change the offset around until it fits your schedule perfectly.

  57. Chris says:

    Looking to find a schedule that works with 4on4 off with 4 platons (ABCD) can only find that format with 3 platoons…Any suggestions?


  58. Jorn Hansen says:

    We work 28 days rotation, 24hrs monday – friday and 48 hrs at weekends.
    Do you have a schedule that works for us?


  59. andy says:

    Can you tell me what is the most common Fire Dept shift schedule in the US. Recently, a politician has been stating that the vast majority fire departments use the 24 /48. Although I have found many departments use this schedule it does not seem to be the “vast majority”.
    Thanks for any input.

    • Kevin Jordan says:

      That is a good question. I don’t, at the moment, keep stats on which shift is the most popular by number of users. But I do have the number of cities that have contacted me and which shift types they use.

      26 cities use #2 – 24/48
      11 cities use #4 – AABBCC 48/96
      29 cities use #5 or #6 or 10 – 10,10,10000 (3on/4off or the Kelly schedule)

      I would say the 10,10,10000 schedule is the most popular.

  60. Brad Conard says:

    Just downloaded it and it looks great for quick reference but I need to be able to change the shift letters today 7/14/15 I am A-shift this calendar showsit being B-shift

  61. Steve says:

    Any idea when the app will be updated so IOS users can edit it like the android? Great site

  62. Ethan johnson says:

    Listen. I work a schedule that’s just like the city of Fayetteville fire Depts. here in North Carolina. Which schedule would I choose?

  63. David says:

    Hi, how come you can change colours on an android system but on iPhone it just says more colours coming soon.

  64. Robert read says:

    Hi put 23,24,25 &26th in calendar but on pro it puts *on 23rd 25th 26th &27th? Any ideas why. I use number 47 pattern and it works fine on all the rest.
    I’m in UK.

  65. Luke Zebrak says:

    I just changed from 2d 2n 4off to mon-thur, tues-fri. I know it’s an easy schedule but I’m addicted to this app and would like to keep using it if you could create it, that would be great. Thanks

  66. Atlas Shields says:

    I couldn’t find one to fit my new schedule. 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 4 off with A,B, and C shifts. Also, I’m using an iPhone if that makes any difference.

    Atlas Shields

  67. Mike says:

    I have a galaxy s6 edge +. Downloaded pro, can’t get the menu to pull up to sync with my calendar. Holding the button on the bottom left does nothing. Has this been remedied? Or do I need to go ahead and refund? Got this app because I can put events on the calendar.

  68. Ethan says:

    Is there any way you could make a 7 on 7 off shift for A/B shift on one, and C/D on the other? We work 12 hr shifts so there’s 2 shifts per day.

  69. Cole Wyatt says:

    Hello Kevin, my department works a modified Kelly. We work Monday, off Tuesday, Wednesday, work Thursday, off Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Work Tuesday, off Wednesday, Thursday, Work Friday, off Saturday, work Sunday, off Monday, Tuesday, work Wednesday, off Thursday, Friday, work Saturday, off Sunday, work Monday and repeat. Do you have a schedule in the app like this? This is Town of Wilkesboro, NC

  70. Sean says:

    Good Afternoon,

    My department works the following schedule and I am unable to find a shift schedule to fit it, any help would be appreciated.


  71. Jeff says:

    Any idea when updates for IPhone will be happening? It would be nice to modify colours etc. Thanks.

  72. Glenn Vogel says:

    Hi Kevin,

    My department works a 12 hour shift, 2 on/3 off, with a long week every 4th week. There are 4 teams, ABCD. A days/B nights, C days/D nights. I have tried using a number of different options in your app but cannot find the one that accommodates this schedule. Can you offer some insight? I can send you a copy of the calendar for you to evaluate.

    Thank you,

  73. John Boyd says:

    I work nova schedule 24 on 24 of 24 on 24 off 24 on 4 days off. I’m trying to load this calendar to work for our schedule.

  74. Mike m says:

    It went black. What’s up? Love this app.

  75. James Eavey says:

    This app has been awesome since I downloaded it up until the latest IOS update. Can you please get this fixed? Thanks so much I greatly appreciate it

  76. Amy says:

    iOS not supporting and I need this app to work!

  77. Amy says:

    I need this app to work!

  78. FFvan says:

    Latest iOS update fixes issue

  79. Emrah Cantekin says:

    When will the shift colors on iOS be changed? per week in Turkey, starting from Monday. I change this setting on iOS. The Android operating system seemed to have 24/48 or 24/72 shifts. On iOS, only letters ABC and so on appear. I am very happy if you can make these edits for iOS.
    Have a nice work!
    Antalya Fire Departhment/ TURKEY

  80. Skyler Dean says:

    My calendar including everybody’s calendar at work has gone to the year 2020 and will no go back to 2018. It happens to all of us the day before yesterday

  81. Taylor Crum says:

    This fits frederick county marylands fire department

  82. Jordan says:

    Any way of making my schedule show up on my Google calendar? I get the sync feature, but I’d love to have my shifts show up on my Google calendar.

  83. Matthew K Quinones says:

    Fdny Firefighter Light duty schedule
    While some are mon-fri 7-3,8-4 ,9-5
    Some are 4 10 hr days a week
    Some are 3 13s a week

    Mine is an ABCD group chart with every 25th day being an open group.. so 1-24 would be ABCD 25th would be the open group then 26th starts the next 24 days of ABCD with 25th being open again ..

    For instance my group is B i was in on Monday my next day in is Fri.
    Can u make this an option pls
    The open group for Dec 2018 was 28th jan 2019 is 25days later so its january 22nd 2019

  84. Travis says:

    Do you have an upgraded version I can buy for iPhone that let’s me add notes or changes colors of days off?

  85. Godfrey says:

    Hi there,

    I work in the mines in Australia. Any chance you could load a 7on days x 7 off x 7on nights


  86. Meagan says:

    Hi there. I’m trying to set up a schedule on the app and I am very confused by it. I work in the Norman, OK area and we follow a revised Kelly schedule. 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 2 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 4 off.
    I hope that made sense…

  87. Amanda Weare says:

    Would you be able to create 4 on, 2 off, 4 on, 6 off?
    Edmonton Fire Department. Cheers!

  88. Sean A Montoya says:

    Can you please make a schedule for 4 days on, 2 days off?

  89. Keating Philip says:

    Is there a way for the user to change colors on our calendar? Mine is in lime green and I can’t see it very well.

  90. Kevin Taulbee says:

    I’m so impressed that you’re as accommodating as you are with everyone’s unique schedules. If at all possible… Could you please help me find or if you happen to make one that fits a 24 on/ 120 off cycle? Thank you for your time!

  91. Melon says:

    Can you please make a schedule for 12/24 and 12/48 …thanks 🙏🏻?

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